Another edition of the nationwide Chain Experiment
Next edition of the nationwide Chain Experiment "Physics touches everywhere," which is why it's worth learning at any age. The best way to do this is by having fun, which…
The fossil of the “first giant” changes the findings dot. the largest creatures on Earth
The “first giant” fossil changes the findings dot. Earth’s largest creatures Paleontologists have discovered in Argentina the fossil of a giant dinosaur that roamed the Earth more than 200 million…
Cows may soon become the largest land animals
Cows may soon become the largest land animals If species extinction continues at the rate it is now, cows could soon become the largest land mammals. Human expansion has already…
The rocky planet Ross 128b looks familiar, but is not Earth’s twin
Rocky planet Ross 128b looks familiar, but is not Earth’s twin Last year, the world was electrified by the news of the discovery of the exoplanet Ross 128b, which is…
Voyager 2 probe approaches interstellar space
Voyager 2 probe approaches interstellar space Launched into space in 1977, the Voyager 2 probe detected an increase in cosmic rays that came from outside our solar system. This means…
Scientists brew beer using yeast from 5,000 years ago
Scientists brewed beer using yeast from 5,000 years ago In ancient times, beer was an important component of the daily diet. It also had a particularólne importance and has been…
Every second Polish scientist abroad does not want to return to the country
Every second Polish scientist abroad does not want to return to the country Half of Polish scientists working in more than 30 countries around the world do not want to…
It may be possible to restore memory function in Alzheimer’s patients
It may be possible to restore memory functions in Alzheimer’s patients New study offers hope for restoring memory function in Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers showed that by focusing on changes in…
Researchers have found a way to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy
Researchers have found a way to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy Special sponges placed in veins to absorb excess cancer drugs may prevent the side effects of these toxic…
Photosynthesizing bacteria found 600 meters underground, with no access to sunlight Daily
Photosynthesizing bacteria found 600 meters underground with no access to sunlight An international team of scientists has discovered cyanobacteria at a depth of more than 600 meters. There would be…